Free Fall (short film) Quick Read Review

30th July 2021

Free Fall is currently playing at film festivals worldwide.

Karl Liebknecht once said, “For capitalism, war and peace are business and nothing but business.” Liebknecht was correct. We live in a society where money is made from everything and anything, even human misery, tragedy and disaster. Adapted from the best-selling novel Swimming with Sharks by Joris Luyendijk and inspired by actual events, Emmanual Tenenbaum’s Free Fall explores an uncomfortable truth at the heart of our capitalist system: profit, greed, and wealth come before people or ethics.

When investment banker Tom (Abraham Lewis) arrives at work in London on the morning of 9/11, he has no idea of the tragedy about to unfold across the Atlantic. But as horrific reports of a plane hitting the World Trade Centre come in, Tom’s mind turns to the money that could be made if the event is not an accident as initially reported but an act of terror. With little thought for those trapped in the burning buildings, Tom encourages his boss to bet against the market. However, as the money flows in, Tom is about to receive a stark reminder of the human horror underway. Tenenbaum’s short film is an uncomfortable and powerful reminder of the power of greed and the absence of ethics.

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